This event can only happen with your continued dedication and support! Thank you for helping to create such an amazing experience for these deserving children!

If you would like to be on our list of volunteers for the next event, please send your contact information to


Volunteers are the heart and soul of the Back to School Shop!

Each year over 200 community volunteers gather on the day of the Back to School Shop event to create a magical experience for disadvantaged elementary school students in Stamford. We love our volunteers and they love Back to School Shop!

  • “This is the most gratifying volunteer work I’ve done in years!”

  • “It’s great to be part of this wonderful program!”

  • “This is one of the most organized, heartwarming, and rewarding volunteer events I have ever attended!”

  • “The smiles on the faces of the children said it all!"

Volunteer Positions

There are a number of different positions, including:

  • Personal Shoppers to escort the children through the shop

  • Sneaker fitters to help the children find that perfect sneaker in the right size

  • Coat fitters to supervise the coat area

  • Child Check-in and Check-out

  • Dressing room attendants

  • In-shop attendants to maintain inventory throughout the shop

  • Parking attendants

  • Translators (mostly Spanish) to help the parents who do not speak English

  • Japha Family Resource Center attendants to help parents take advantage of the many community resources

  • Set up day before the event

  • and many more

Volunteer Requirements

Volunteers typically work one 5-hour shift. All volunteers are virtually trained for their position prior to the event. Volunteers must be at least 17 years old. Spanish speakers are always needed.

Check out what our volunteers have to say about Back to School Shop!

“Being the youngest of 6, I got a lot of hand me downs so it was always exciting to get something new. When I see these kids come through the shop and get so excited about the opportunity to pick out their own things and go back to school all decked out, it brings back all those great feelings! What a pleasure to be a small part of giving that to other children.”
– Ellen Clarke

“I have been lucky enough to witness the joy that the annual event brings to children when they pick out backpacks, school supplies, clothing, and sneakers for the new school year. Nothing beats seeing the smiles on the faces of hundreds of children!”
– Kimberly Greene

“There are so many people in Stamford who struggle to afford a home, and put food on the table, much less to buy their kids new clothes for school. What I love about BTSS is that it gives some of those families a chance to make their kids' lives better. Being able to experience it real-time with the kids who benefit, is a great joy.”
– Steve Zales

“It is wonderful that Back to School Shop helps so many children, including new arrivals to the country, and it is especially inspiring that the children get to have the experience of shopping for themselves and picking out their own items. The families are so happy when the children come out of the shop and show their parents what they chose!”
– Pilar Pelaez

“It is an honor to be part of this team. It fills my heart with hope knowing that there are people who really want to help the communities that need help.”
– Paula Ressa

Videos from our volunteers


Will you join us as a volunteer?

Our annual Back to School Shop event is only possible with the help of our amazing volunteers. If you would like to be on our list of volunteers for next year, please send your contact information to